Friday, July 24, 2015

Being Present

One week from today, our son Wes returns home to Newtown after finishing his summer internship in Pittsburgh. I’m not only excited to have our son home again; I’m excited that our entire family will be under one roof. For most of the summer, while Wes was in Pittsburgh, our daughter Adrienne has been home with us. In a few weeks, Adrienne will trade places with Wes: She will head to Pittsburgh for her sophomore year of college and Wes will live here in Newtown while attending graduate school. But for those precious few weeks in August before Adrienne leaves for Pittsburgh, we will all be together again.

Image result for family eating dinner images

Without a doubt, my favorite part of our family life is dinner-time. We almost always make the effort to eat dinner together as a family. We sit down at the dining room table – seated in the same places every time for reasons no one can explain. Then we say grace, usually holding hands as we pray, “God is great, God is good. Let us thank Him for our food …” We dig in to the food set before us on the table, but there are usually some interesting topics of discussion on the table, too. As we talk about what each of us has been doing that day, we may end up hearing about a new idea Dorry has for her congregation, or debating the merits of the latest lawsuit I am defending, or discussing the best way to handle a disagreement among friends, or commiserating about a tough day at school.

For me, our family dinners have become a special time, a time not only for refueling but also for reconnecting. It’s a sacred time, this ordinary meal. And while our family dinners are a valuable experience no matter how many of us are seated at the table to enjoy them, it is obvious when one of us isn’t home. Someone is missing. Someone hasn’t recounted the triumphs or struggles of their day. Someone wasn’t there to lend their unique and valuable voice to the conversation.

My dad once compared the church to a family meal. He said, “The church is not a restaurant, where you’re not missed if you don’t show up for dinner. The church is a family, where there’s an empty place at the table if you’re not there.”

“The Epistle to the Hebrews makes it clear that the purpose of meeting together as Christians is not to earn a star for perfect attendance. It’s not to show up on Sunday and sit in a pew and passively soak it up like a sponge, saying ‘I sure hope I get something out of church this morning.’

The purpose of meeting together, according to the writer of Hebrews, is two-fold: (1) to stir one another up to love and good works, and (2) to encourage one another. We come to church to build people up, to love them into being more loving, to listen to their pain and to offer Christ’s healing touch. This means that our presence must be a positive, participating presence. The Christian presence is a loving, sharing, accepting, giving, non-judgmental presence. All of this grows out of why we are together in the first place. ‘Christian presence’ is directing the full force of our presence on the matter at hand. It is truly ‘being there’ in a focused, attentive, caring manner. Our ministry of ‘presence’ in this high and holy sense is vital to the growth of the church.

Obviously then, when we neglect to meet with the body, when we withdraw our presence, the body is missing one of its vital parts. Our absence hurts. Most of us don’t realize how much our irregular attendance habits affect the church. We think it doesn’t matter because the only person we’re hurting is ourselves. Not so! Someone is not being encouraged; someone is not being stirred up to love and good works because we are not there. The body misses us when we’re not present. For we are not just a collection of unrelated individuals. We are, in the words of Ephesians, 'members of one another.' Ephesians 4:25 (RSV)

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another[.]" - Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV)

From: "The Stewardship of Presence"
Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-25
Preached at Paoli UM Church, Paoli, PA

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